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~Ne szólj szánk!~

Pictures from the film Our Lips Are Sealed starring twins Mary-Kate and Ashley Olsen.  These pics are by APCyberax.

Pictures from the film Our Lips Are Sealed starring twins Mary-Kate and Ashley Olsen.  These pics are by APCyberax.

Pictures from the film Our Lips Are Sealed starring twins Mary-Kate and Ashley Olsen.  These pics are by APCyberax.

Pictures from the film Our Lips Are Sealed starring twins Mary-Kate and Ashley Olsen.  These pics are by APCyberax.

Pictures from the film Our Lips Are Sealed starring twins Mary-Kate and Ashley Olsen.  These pics are by APCyberax.

Pictures from the film Our Lips Are Sealed starring twins Mary-Kate and Ashley Olsen.  These pics are by APCyberax.

Pictures from the film Our Lips Are Sealed starring twins Mary-Kate and Ashley Olsen.  These pics are by APCyberax.

Pictures from the film Our Lips Are Sealed starring twins Mary-Kate and Ashley Olsen.  These pics are by APCyberax.

Pictures from the film Our Lips Are Sealed starring twins Mary-Kate and Ashley Olsen.  These pics are by APCyberax.

Ez azt jelenti hogy nem mehetünk vissza az iskolába?

Pictures from the film Our Lips Are Sealed starring twins Mary-Kate and Ashley Olsen.  These pics are by APCyberax.

Pictures from the film Our Lips Are Sealed starring twins Mary-Kate and Ashley Olsen.  These pics are by APCyberax.

Költözés Texasba

Pictures from the film Our Lips Are Sealed starring twins Mary-Kate and Ashley Olsen.  These pics are by APCyberax.

Ezúttal ők a Texasi lányok

Pictures from the film Our Lips Are Sealed starring twins Mary-Kate and Ashley Olsen.  These pics are by APCyberax.

Most melyikőnk kit játszik? :)
Pictures from the film Our Lips Are Sealed starring twins Mary-Kate and Ashley Olsen.  These pics are by APCyberax.

Hát izé... elszóltzuk magunkat :)
Pictures from the film Our Lips Are Sealed starring twins Mary-Kate and Ashley Olsen.  These pics are by APCyberax.

Újabb város

Pictures from the film Our Lips Are Sealed starring twins Mary-Kate and Ashley Olsen.  These pics are by APCyberax.

Tök jó fejek az emberek

Pictures from the film Our Lips Are Sealed starring twins Mary-Kate and Ashley Olsen.  These pics are by APCyberax.

Vigyázzatok a priuszusokkal :)

Ugyan most jutattunk egy gyémánt rablót a börtönbe


Pictures from the film Our Lips Are Sealed starring twins Mary-Kate and Ashley Olsen.  These pics are by APCyberax.

Elszóltad magad..

Pictures from the film Our Lips Are Sealed starring twins Mary-Kate and Ashley Olsen.  These pics are by APCyberax.

Hopszi, bocsika, az én hibám..

Pictures from the film Our Lips Are Sealed starring twins Mary-Kate and Ashley Olsen.  These pics are by APCyberax.

Másik hely

Pictures from the film Our Lips Are Sealed starring twins Mary-Kate and Ashley Olsen.  These pics are by APCyberax.

Pictures from the film Our Lips Are Sealed starring twins Mary-Kate and Ashley Olsen.  These pics are by APCyberax.

Egyértelmű arckifejezés..

Pictures from the film Our Lips Are Sealed starring twins Mary-Kate and Ashley Olsen.  These pics are by APCyberax.

Pictures from the film Our Lips Are Sealed starring twins Mary-Kate and Ashley Olsen.  These pics are by APCyberax.

Figyelem, a tanuvédelmi bizotság miatt avagyunk itt!

Pictures from the film Our Lips Are Sealed starring twins Mary-Kate and Ashley Olsen.  These pics are by APCyberax.

Pictures from the film Our Lips Are Sealed starring twins Mary-Kate and Ashley Olsen.  These pics are by APCyberax.

Pictures from the film Our Lips Are Sealed starring twins Mary-Kate and Ashley Olsen.  These pics are by APCyberax.

Pictures from the film Our Lips Are Sealed starring twins Mary-Kate and Ashley Olsen.  These pics are by APCyberax.

Újabb hely..

Pictures from the film Our Lips Are Sealed starring twins Mary-Kate and Ashley Olsen.  These pics are by APCyberax.

Mindig elszülják magukat... nem találnak helyet..

Pictures from the film Our Lips Are Sealed starring twins Mary-Kate and Ashley Olsen.  These pics are by APCyberax.

utolsó esély

Pictures from the film Our Lips Are Sealed starring twins Mary-Kate and Ashley Olsen.  These pics are by APCyberax.


Pictures from the film Our Lips Are Sealed starring twins Mary-Kate and Ashley Olsen.  These pics are by APCyberax.

Pictures from the film Our Lips Are Sealed starring twins Mary-Kate and Ashley Olsen.  These pics are by APCyberax.

Nem szúrhatják el..

Pictures from the film Our Lips Are Sealed starring twins Mary-Kate and Ashley Olsen.  These pics are by APCyberax.


Pictures from the film Our Lips Are Sealed starring twins Mary-Kate and Ashley Olsen.  These pics are by APCyberax.

Asztrália olyan mint egy buli... csak minekt még nem hívtak meg rá..

Pictures from the film Our Lips Are Sealed starring twins Mary-Kate and Ashley Olsen.  These pics are by APCyberax.

Pictures from the film Our Lips Are Sealed starring twins Mary-Kate and Ashley Olsen.  These pics are by APCyberax.

Ezúttal ők az ohájói szálloda tulajdonos család

Pictures from the film Our Lips Are Sealed starring twins Mary-Kate and Ashley Olsen.  These pics are by APCyberax.

És lányuk, Abby, és Medie

Pictures from the film Our Lips Are Sealed starring twins Mary-Kate and Ashley Olsen.  These pics are by APCyberax.

És a Kenguru: Bummer

Pictures from the film Our Lips Are Sealed starring twins Mary-Kate and Ashley Olsen.  These pics are by APCyberax.

Pictures from the film Our Lips Are Sealed starring twins Mary-Kate and Ashley Olsen.  These pics are by APCyberax.

Medie, Holnap suli, ezúttal nem szúrhatjuk el

Pictures from the film Our Lips Are Sealed starring twins Mary-Kate and Ashley Olsen.  These pics are by APCyberax.

Pictures from the film Our Lips Are Sealed starring twins Mary-Kate and Ashley Olsen.  These pics are by APCyberax.

De a pom-pom csapatba ezúttal nem jelentkezünk :)
Pictures from the film Our Lips Are Sealed starring twins Mary-Kate and Ashley Olsen.  These pics are by APCyberax.

Pictures from the film Our Lips Are Sealed starring twins Mary-Kate and Ashley Olsen.  These pics are by APCyberax.

-Hogy fogunk öltezködni?
- Nyugi, az egész Austráliai divat a kisujjamban van :)
Pictures from the film Our Lips Are Sealed starring twins Mary-Kate and Ashley Olsen.  These pics are by APCyberax.

Pictures from the film Our Lips Are Sealed starring twins Mary-Kate and Ashley Olsen.  These pics are by APCyberax.

Úgy nézünk ki mint Crocodil Dondey.

Pictures from the film Our Lips Are Sealed starring twins Mary-Kate and Ashley Olsen.  These pics are by APCyberax.

 Azt mondtad a kisujjadban van..

Pictures from the film Our Lips Are Sealed starring twins Mary-Kate and Ashley Olsen.  These pics are by APCyberax.

Pictures from the film Our Lips Are Sealed starring twins Mary-Kate and Ashley Olsen.  These pics are by APCyberax.

Mi igazából az iskolát szeretnánk megnézni..

Pictures from the film Our Lips Are Sealed starring twins Mary-Kate and Ashley Olsen.  These pics are by APCyberax.

Mit mondd?

Pictures from the film Our Lips Are Sealed starring twins Mary-Kate and Ashley Olsen.  These pics are by APCyberax.

Fordítást kérünk

Pictures from the film Our Lips Are Sealed starring twins Mary-Kate and Ashley Olsen.  These pics are by APCyberax.

Isten hozott benneteket. Miért jöttetek ien cinikus ruhában?

Pictures from the film Our Lips Are Sealed starring twins Mary-Kate and Ashley Olsen.  These pics are by APCyberax.

Pictures from the film Our Lips Are Sealed starring twins Mary-Kate and Ashley Olsen.  These pics are by APCyberax.

Pictures from the film Our Lips Are Sealed starring twins Mary-Kate and Ashley Olsen.  These pics are by APCyberax.

Ohh.. máris mutatom

a sulit

Pictures from the film Our Lips Are Sealed starring twins Mary-Kate and Ashley Olsen.  These pics are by APCyberax.

Pictures from the film Our Lips Are Sealed starring twins Mary-Kate and Ashley Olsen.  These pics are by APCyberax.

Pictures from the film Our Lips Are Sealed starring twins Mary-Kate and Ashley Olsen.  These pics are by APCyberax.

És az ott a menők csapata.. nem állnak szóba veletek. Ott vannak a színházasok, az okostojások, és jajj a szörfösök, velük végleg elássátok magatokat. A kétballkezesek; ők a barátaitok lkesznek ha nevettek rajtuk

-És te hova tartozol?

- Az individualistákhoz.

Pictures from the film Our Lips Are Sealed starring twins Mary-Kate and Ashley Olsen.  These pics are by APCyberax.

Pictures from the film Our Lips Are Sealed starring twins Mary-Kate and Ashley Olsen.  These pics are by APCyberax.

Pictures from the film Our Lips Are Sealed starring twins Mary-Kate and Ashley Olsen.  These pics are by APCyberax.

Pictures from the film Our Lips Are Sealed starring twins Mary-Kate and Ashley Olsen.  These pics are by APCyberax.

Segíts! Nem tudjuk mit cisnáljunk!

- Lányok... be akartok illeszkedni Ausztrűliába a katlanba? Ne tanakodjatok, bullizzatok!!

Pictures from the film Our Lips Are Sealed starring twins Mary-Kate and Ashley Olsen.  These pics are by APCyberax.

Pictures from the film Our Lips Are Sealed starring twins Mary-Kate and Ashley Olsen.  These pics are by APCyberax.

Ez mindig bejön! Nyomdd a fejedhez az üveget!
Pictures from the film Our Lips Are Sealed starring twins Mary-Kate and Ashley Olsen.  These pics are by APCyberax.

Pictures from the film Our Lips Are Sealed starring twins Mary-Kate and Ashley Olsen.  These pics are by APCyberax.

Pictures from the film Our Lips Are Sealed starring twins Mary-Kate and Ashley Olsen.  These pics are by APCyberax.

Abby! Most bulizunk?
- Nem! Csak ők!

Pictures from the film Our Lips Are Sealed starring twins Mary-Kate and Ashley Olsen.  These pics are by APCyberax.

Pictures from the film Our Lips Are Sealed starring twins Mary-Kate and Ashley Olsen.  These pics are by APCyberax.

Pictures from the film Our Lips Are Sealed starring twins Mary-Kate and Ashley Olsen.  These pics are by APCyberax.

És míg Victoriáék kaviáért ettek, mi sanwicheket... homokkal töltve..

Pictures from the film Our Lips Are Sealed starring twins Mary-Kate and Ashley Olsen.  These pics are by APCyberax.

Pictures from the film Our Lips Are Sealed starring twins Mary-Kate and Ashley Olsen.  These pics are by APCyberax.

Pictures from the film Our Lips Are Sealed starring twins Mary-Kate and Ashley Olsen.  These pics are by APCyberax.

Pictures from the film Our Lips Are Sealed starring twins Mary-Kate and Ashley Olsen.  These pics are by APCyberax.

Pictures from the film Our Lips Are Sealed starring twins Mary-Kate and Ashley Olsen.  These pics are by APCyberax.

Abby, Medie :)
Pictures from the film Our Lips Are Sealed starring twins Mary-Kate and Ashley Olsen.  These pics are by APCyberax.

Pictures from the film Our Lips Are Sealed starring twins Mary-Kate and Ashley Olsen.  These pics are by APCyberax.

Igazából Larry több mint barát..

Pictures from the film Our Lips Are Sealed starring twins Mary-Kate and Ashley Olsen.  These pics are by APCyberax.

De ezt ne mondjátok el senkinek!
Főlkeg ne Victoriáéknak. Nem szeretnám hogy ezzel piszkáljanak.

Pictures from the film Our Lips Are Sealed starring twins Mary-Kate and Ashley Olsen.  These pics are by APCyberax.

Pictures from the film Our Lips Are Sealed starring twins Mary-Kate and Ashley Olsen.  These pics are by APCyberax.

Pictures from the film Our Lips Are Sealed starring twins Mary-Kate and Ashley Olsen.  These pics are by APCyberax.

-Abby az Americai dobó bajnok :)

- Meddie!
- Tök mind1.
Pictures from the film Our Lips Are Sealed starring twins Mary-Kate and Ashley Olsen.  These pics are by APCyberax.

Pictures from the film Our Lips Are Sealed starring twins Mary-Kate and Ashley Olsen.  These pics are by APCyberax.

Pictures from the film Our Lips Are Sealed starring twins Mary-Kate and Ashley Olsen.  These pics are by APCyberax.

- Tök mind1?

Ez az americaiak kedvenc mondása?

- Csak a menő ameriaiaké

Pictures from the film Our Lips Are Sealed starring twins Mary-Kate and Ashley Olsen.  These pics are by APCyberax.

Pictures from the film Our Lips Are Sealed starring twins Mary-Kate and Ashley Olsen.  These pics are by APCyberax.

És itt a beilleszkedés ideje!

Csináljuk azt amit az ausztrálok

Pictures from the film Our Lips Are Sealed starring twins Mary-Kate and Ashley Olsen.  These pics are by APCyberax.

1. Beszéljük a helyi szlenget!

Bekaptam egy kis harit, de csak csibit és hambit, tudfjátok nem akarok nyafogni de, fini volt.

Pictures from the film Our Lips Are Sealed starring twins Mary-Kate and Ashley Olsen.  These pics are by APCyberax.

Pictures from the film Our Lips Are Sealed starring twins Mary-Kate and Ashley Olsen.  These pics are by APCyberax.

Pictures from the film Our Lips Are Sealed starring twins Mary-Kate and Ashley Olsen.  These pics are by APCyberax.

Pictures from the film Our Lips Are Sealed starring twins Mary-Kate and Ashley Olsen.  These pics are by APCyberax.

Pictures from the film Our Lips Are Sealed starring twins Mary-Kate and Ashley Olsen.  These pics are by APCyberax.

Pictures from the film Our Lips Are Sealed starring twins Mary-Kate and Ashley Olsen.  These pics are by APCyberax.

Pictures from the film Our Lips Are Sealed starring twins Mary-Kate and Ashley Olsen.  These pics are by APCyberax.

Pictures from the film Our Lips Are Sealed starring twins Mary-Kate and Ashley Olsen.  These pics are by APCyberax.

Pictures from the film Our Lips Are Sealed starring twins Mary-Kate and Ashley Olsen.  These pics are by APCyberax.

Pictures from the film Our Lips Are Sealed starring twins Mary-Kate and Ashley Olsen.  These pics are by APCyberax.

2. lépés!
Együk a helyi kaját!
Pictures from the film Our Lips Are Sealed starring twins Mary-Kate and Ashley Olsen.  These pics are by APCyberax.

Barna ragacsos szutyok

Pictures from the film Our Lips Are Sealed starring twins Mary-Kate and Ashley Olsen.  These pics are by APCyberax.

Sosem láttam még olyan jenkit aki nem rókázott volna ettől

Pictures from the film Our Lips Are Sealed starring twins Mary-Kate and Ashley Olsen.  These pics are by APCyberax.

Ízlik neki!
Pictures from the film Our Lips Are Sealed starring twins Mary-Kate and Ashley Olsen.  These pics are by APCyberax.

Pictures from the film Our Lips Are Sealed starring twins Mary-Kate and Ashley Olsen.  These pics are by APCyberax.

Victoriának nem elég

Úgy néz ki az udvar befogadott, csak a királynő kéreti még magát.

Pictures from the film Our Lips Are Sealed starring twins Mary-Kate and Ashley Olsen.  These pics are by APCyberax.

Pictures from the film Our Lips Are Sealed starring twins Mary-Kate and Ashley Olsen.  These pics are by APCyberax.

3. lépés

Pictures from the film Our Lips Are Sealed starring twins Mary-Kate and Ashley Olsen.  These pics are by APCyberax.

Pictures from the film Our Lips Are Sealed starring twins Mary-Kate and Ashley Olsen.  These pics are by APCyberax.

Pictures from the film Our Lips Are Sealed starring twins Mary-Kate and Ashley Olsen.  These pics are by APCyberax.

Pictures from the film Our Lips Are Sealed starring twins Mary-Kate and Ashley Olsen.  These pics are by APCyberax.

- Pffh! Mióta tud szörfözni?
Pictures from the film Our Lips Are Sealed starring twins Mary-Kate and Ashley Olsen.  These pics are by APCyberax.

Hmm.. Mióta kilépett a tengerre :)
Pictures from the film Our Lips Are Sealed starring twins Mary-Kate and Ashley Olsen.  These pics are by APCyberax.

Pictures from the film Our Lips Are Sealed starring twins Mary-Kate and Ashley Olsen.  These pics are by APCyberax.

Pictures from the film Our Lips Are Sealed starring twins Mary-Kate and Ashley Olsen.  These pics are by APCyberax.

Pictures from the film Our Lips Are Sealed starring twins Mary-Kate and Ashley Olsen.  These pics are by APCyberax.

Pictures from the film Our Lips Are Sealed starring twins Mary-Kate and Ashley Olsen.  These pics are by APCyberax.

3. lépés!

Használjuk a fejünket!
Pictures from the film Our Lips Are Sealed starring twins Mary-Kate and Ashley Olsen.  These pics are by APCyberax.

Pictures from the film Our Lips Are Sealed starring twins Mary-Kate and Ashley Olsen.  These pics are by APCyberax.

Pictures from the film Our Lips Are Sealed starring twins Mary-Kate and Ashley Olsen.  These pics are by APCyberax.

Pictures from the film Our Lips Are Sealed starring twins Mary-Kate and Ashley Olsen.  These pics are by APCyberax.

Pictures from the film Our Lips Are Sealed starring twins Mary-Kate and Ashley Olsen.  These pics are by APCyberax.

Menő Ausztrálok vagytok!
Pictures from the film Our Lips Are Sealed starring twins Mary-Kate and Ashley Olsen.  These pics are by APCyberax.

Ez a hajótok?

Dehogyis! Az!

Pictures from the film Our Lips Are Sealed starring twins Mary-Kate and Ashley Olsen.  These pics are by APCyberax.

Pictures from the film Our Lips Are Sealed starring twins Mary-Kate and Ashley Olsen.  These pics are by APCyberax.

Pictures from the film Our Lips Are Sealed starring twins Mary-Kate and Ashley Olsen.  These pics are by APCyberax.

Pictures from the film Our Lips Are Sealed starring twins Mary-Kate and Ashley Olsen.  These pics are by APCyberax.

Pictures from the film Our Lips Are Sealed starring twins Mary-Kate and Ashley Olsen.  These pics are by APCyberax.

- Ez apám kedvence, jobban szereti mint a repülőjét!
- Azt el is hiszem :)
Pictures from the film Our Lips Are Sealed starring twins Mary-Kate and Ashley Olsen.  These pics are by APCyberax.

Pictures from the film Our Lips Are Sealed starring twins Mary-Kate and Ashley Olsen.  These pics are by APCyberax.

Nektek nem volt hajótok?
- Nem mert... nem a tenger mellett laktunk!
- Ohh..

Pictures from the film Our Lips Are Sealed starring twins Mary-Kate and Ashley Olsen.  These pics are by APCyberax.

Pictures from the film Our Lips Are Sealed starring twins Mary-Kate and Ashley Olsen.  These pics are by APCyberax.

Pictures from the film Our Lips Are Sealed starring twins Mary-Kate and Ashley Olsen.  These pics are by APCyberax.

Pictures from the film Our Lips Are Sealed starring twins Mary-Kate and Ashley Olsen.  These pics are by APCyberax.

Pictures from the film Our Lips Are Sealed starring twins Mary-Kate and Ashley Olsen.  These pics are by APCyberax.

Pictures from the film Our Lips Are Sealed starring twins Mary-Kate and Ashley Olsen.  These pics are by APCyberax.

Pictures from the film Our Lips Are Sealed starring twins Mary-Kate and Ashley Olsen.  These pics are by APCyberax.

Pictures from the film Our Lips Are Sealed starring twins Mary-Kate and Ashley Olsen.  These pics are by APCyberax.

Pictures from the film Our Lips Are Sealed starring twins Mary-Kate and Ashley Olsen.  These pics are by APCyberax.

Pictures from the film Our Lips Are Sealed starring twins Mary-Kate and Ashley Olsen.  These pics are by APCyberax.

Pictures from the film Our Lips Are Sealed starring twins Mary-Kate and Ashley Olsen.  These pics are by APCyberax.

Pictures from the film Our Lips Are Sealed starring twins Mary-Kate and Ashley Olsen.  These pics are by APCyberax.

Pictures from the film Our Lips Are Sealed starring twins Mary-Kate and Ashley Olsen.  These pics are by APCyberax.

Pictures from the film Our Lips Are Sealed starring twins Mary-Kate and Ashley Olsen.  These pics are by APCyberax.

Pictures from the film Our Lips Are Sealed starring twins Mary-Kate and Ashley Olsen.  These pics are by APCyberax.

Pictures from the film Our Lips Are Sealed starring twins Mary-Kate and Ashley Olsen.  These pics are by APCyberax.

Igazából Larry több mint barátja Sheelának, de ne mondd el senkinek!
Pictures from the film Our Lips Are Sealed starring twins Mary-Kate and Ashley Olsen.  These pics are by APCyberax.

- Pffh! Komolyan?
Pictures from the film Our Lips Are Sealed starring twins Mary-Kate and Ashley Olsen.  These pics are by APCyberax.

- Igen! De ne mondd el senkinek!
Pictures from the film Our Lips Are Sealed starring twins Mary-Kate and Ashley Olsen.  These pics are by APCyberax.

Pictures from the film Our Lips Are Sealed starring twins Mary-Kate and Ashley Olsen.  These pics are by APCyberax.

Pictures from the film Our Lips Are Sealed starring twins Mary-Kate and Ashley Olsen.  These pics are by APCyberax.

- Héé Larry Sheela, pussz pussz :)
Pictures from the film Our Lips Are Sealed starring twins Mary-Kate and Ashley Olsen.  These pics are by APCyberax.

- Opsz! Most elszúrtunk vmit!
Pictures from the film Our Lips Are Sealed starring twins Mary-Kate and Ashley Olsen.  These pics are by APCyberax.

Pictures from the film Our Lips Are Sealed starring twins Mary-Kate and Ashley Olsen.  These pics are by APCyberax.

Pictures from the film Our Lips Are Sealed starring twins Mary-Kate and Ashley Olsen.  These pics are by APCyberax.

Pictures from the film Our Lips Are Sealed starring twins Mary-Kate and Ashley Olsen.  These pics are by APCyberax.

- Hé hová mentek?
- Megyünk szörfözni (képen látható srác)

Pictures from the film Our Lips Are Sealed starring twins Mary-Kate and Ashley Olsen.  These pics are by APCyberax.

Pictures from the film Our Lips Are Sealed starring twins Mary-Kate and Ashley Olsen.  These pics are by APCyberax.

- Tisztázzuk a szabályokat! Ha meglátlak velük, vége a bulinak, és minden másnak ami vele jár..

Pictures from the film Our Lips Are Sealed starring twins Mary-Kate and Ashley Olsen.  These pics are by APCyberax.

Pictures from the film Our Lips Are Sealed starring twins Mary-Kate and Ashley Olsen.  These pics are by APCyberax.

Pictures from the film Our Lips Are Sealed starring twins Mary-Kate and Ashley Olsen.  These pics are by APCyberax.

Pictures from the film Our Lips Are Sealed starring twins Mary-Kate and Ashley Olsen.  These pics are by APCyberax.

Pictures from the film Our Lips Are Sealed starring twins Mary-Kate and Ashley Olsen.  These pics are by APCyberax.

Abby, ne nézz oda!
- Késő..

Pictures from the film Our Lips Are Sealed starring twins Mary-Kate and Ashley Olsen.  These pics are by APCyberax.

Pictures from the film Our Lips Are Sealed starring twins Mary-Kate and Ashley Olsen.  These pics are by APCyberax.


Olsenék mostanában...

New York minute


Ne másolj!!


Elfelejtettem a jelszót
Hányan jártak itt?
Indulás: 2005-01-21
Kérsz 1 kávét? XD

Igyál 1 kávét!Katt ide!

1.Bedobod a pénzt.

 2.Kiválasztod mit akarsz inni.

3.Kiveszed a kész italt!

4.És magad felé huzod az egeret (italt)

5.És megvárod a poént!


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Ha érdekelnek az animék,mangák,videojátékok, japán és holland nyelv és kultúra, akkor látogass el a személyes oldalamra.    *****    Dryvit, hõszigetelés! Vállaljuk családi házak, nyaralók és egyéb épületek homlokzati szigetelését! 0630/583-3168 Hívjon!    *****    Könyves oldal - Ágica Könyvtára - ahol megnézheted milyen könyveim vannak, miket olvasok, mik a terveim...    *****    Megtörtént Bûnügyekkel foglalkozó oldal - magyar és külföldi esetek.    *****    Why do all the monsters come out at night? - Rose Harbor, a város, ahol nem a természetfeletti a legfõbb titok - FRPG    *****    A boroszkányok gyorsan megtanulják... Minden mágia megköveteli a maga árát. De vajon mekkora lehet ez az ár? - FRPG    *****    Alkosd meg a saját karaktered, és irányítsd a sorsát! Vajon képes lenne túlélni egy ilyen titkokkal teli helyen? - FRPG    *****    Mindig tudnod kell, melyik kikötõ felé tartasz. - ROSE HARBOR, a mi városunk - FRPG    *****    Akad mindannyijukban valami közös, valami ide vezette õket, a delaware-i aprócska kikötõvárosba... - FRPG    *****    boroszkány, vérfarkas, alakváltó, démon és angyal... szavak, amik mind jelentenek valamit - csatlakozz közénk - FRPG    *****    Why do all the monsters come out at night? - Rose Harbor, a város, ahol nem a természetfeletti a legfõbb titok - FRPG    *****    why do all monsters come out at night - FRPG - Csatlakozz közénk! - Írj, és éld át a kalandokat!    *****    CRIMECASESNIGHT - Igazi Bûntényekkel foglalkozó oldal    *****    Figyelem, figyelem! A második vágányra karácsonyi mese érkezett! Mesés karácsonyt kíván mindenkinek: a Mesetáros    *****    10 éves a Haikyuu!! Ennek alkalmából részletes elemzést olvashatsz az anime elsõ évadáról az Anime Odyssey blogban!    *****    Ismerd meg az F-Zero sorozatot, a Nintendo legdinamikusabb versenyjáték-szériáját! Folyamatosan bõvülõ tartalom.    *****    Advent a Mesetárban! Téli és karácsonyi mesék és színezõk várnak! Nézzetek be hozzánk!    *****    Nagyon pontos és részletes születési horoszkóp, valamint 3 év ajándék elõrejelzés, diplomás asztrológustól. Kattints!!!!    *****    A horoszkóp a lélek tükre,egyszer mindenkinek érdemes belenézni.Keress meg és én segítek értelmezni a csillagok állását!    *****    HAMAROSAN ÚJRA ITT A KARÁCSONY! HA SZERETNÉL KARÁCSONYI HANGULATBA KEVEREDNI, AKKOR KATT IDE: KARACSONY.GPORTAL.HU